I found out that she will ask before buying them if they're fresh, and if not she'll ask for frozen dough and go home to bake them herself. Ok, I'm not going to put that much effort into it, but I did find that if you microwave the cookie for about 25 seconds that does the trick. And then I had the Carol's cookie I had heard so much about...still crisp on the outside, gooey and melty on the inside. And I haven't even gotten to the most important detail of these cookies yet - they're almost half a pound!

They come in 11 flavors, but I keep going back for the chocolate chip walnut. I've tried the brownie cookie too, which as you would imagine is heavenly. They also sell them at the Whole Foods I frequent, in a basket right by the registers which is way too tempting. You can buy them from their website, and they do sell them at a handful of places in New York (also listed on the website).
And on a totally unrelated note, we had a beautiful sunset last night. Our balcony faces north, but we've been noticing lately that the sunsets are inching slowly northwards and we can finally see the whole sun as it does down. I had to get a picture of it, even though they'll get better and better as it gets closer to summer.
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