Just kidding, just kidding. I wish. That picture is from a dinner we had on our honeymoon in St-Tropez, in a restaurant on the Place des Lices. As you can see here, there are a few little roasted tomatoes on the vine in the corner of the plate. These tomatoes actually came with pretty much every meal we ate there. They were roasted enough so that they were a little shriveled, and so full of flavor I was sure they must have been injected with something. But they were just roasted. I tried to duplicate it last night:

So...not really the same result. I'm sure the tomatoes I used weren't as fresh as the ones we were eating in France, but also they weren't cooked the same way. The skins on some of my tomatoes broke a little bit, and they didn't shrivel. I cooked them at 450 degrees for about 15-20 minutes, just because that's the temperature I was already using for the potatoes. I think maybe if I cook them at a lower temperature for a long time I might get that slow cooked, shriveled effect. Maybe 350 for 45 minutes? An hour? Anyone have any ideas?
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